So this is where I tell you about me right? I guess so. Obviously you know my name so there's no need to go down that road. What you might not know about me is that I'm a law student, actually I'm studying a double degree but what does that matter? You'll also know that I'm always on social media. No matter what I'm doing or where I am, I'm usually connected to my iPhone, or typing away on my Macbook Pro. So if you ever see a petite brunette in heels tweeting or posting a status on Facebook or uploading a photo to Instagram or reblogging on Tumblr or simply texting, it's probably, definitely, most certainly me.

I'm either the most social person you know or someone who stays locked up in their room, snuggled in their bed, on both a laptop and phone, while watching TV and attempting to study, all at the same time... There is no in-between.

Every time I think I think of something witty and cool about myself I'll put it up in this bitch for you all to read!