13 Reasons Why

by - Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Trigger warning and a sort of spoiler alert for 13 Reasons Why. I've noticed that there's a lot of negativity surrounding the issue of suicide and mental health and it bothered me so here we go...

If I see one more person claim Hannah Baker was selfish, overdramatic and overreacted I'll actually lose it.

Hannah Baker, like many people, was bullied and suffered in silence, throughout high school, she was physically and sexually abused. Suicide and abuse of any kind is a serious issue, how dare people make it less than it is, belittling people who commit suicide or people who have mental issues. Hannah Baker left tapes to symbolically represent that no one listened to her, no one helped her, no one saw what she was going through, so she made them listen so they could experience what she experienced and learn from their mistakes and hopefully prevent further suicide. 13 Reasons Why is about vocalising that suicide and mental illness is a real issue, there are signs that people are not okay, that we should support each other instead of breaking one's mind, body and spirit. Hannah Baker didn't pin her death on the people mentioned in the tape, she clearly stated that certain events, certain people and the little things in life that we merely ignore affected her, like many others, mentally and socially. Every single thing added up and escalated to the point where one could not take it anymore. 

13 Reasons Why is a representation of suicide and mental issues, how it occurs, why people resort to it and how it affects everyone else. By claiming a character over-reacted or was over-dramatic, you're claiming that people who suffer with similar issues are also selfish, over-reacting and over-dramatic and you need to watch what you say about sensitive issues such as these.

I recommend every single person watch this. It's that show that touches anyone and everyone. I guarantee you will relate to a character, you will be emotional and you will want to binge watch the fuck outta this. It personally left me distraught.

Note: I'm going to re-read the book and once the TV show has been out for longer, I might review it. It's a little difficult to review a TV show without revealing spoilers and I know so many haven't watch it. I'll update this post once I've written a review, so watch this space.

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